Why is Your Product Not Selling on Amazon? 10 Key Reasons

Is your product not selling on Amazon? This is always unpleasant and confusing. You’re probably wondering about the causes. It could be due to poor customer reviews, low product visibility, non-competitive pricing, and many other important reasons. What is the full list, and how can you handle them all? Find out in our blog, boost your sales, and dominate the Amazon marketplace!

Top 10 Reasons Why Your Products Not Sold on Amazon

#1: Lack of Customers Review

Reviews are crucial in influencing potential buyers’ decisions and boosting product visibility. Without a substantial number of reviews, your product may appear untested or unreliable. As a result, customers choose alternatives that have more positive feedback. 

Why do you need to improve it? There are several reasons:

  • Visibility. Amazon products with more reviews have higher chances to appear in customers’ search results and recommendations.
  • Credibility. Positive reviews foster trust and boost buyers’ confidence in their purchasing decisions.
  • Influence. Reviews provide social proof, which heavily influences purchasing decisions.

What Should You Do? 

  • Handle negative feedback. Address complaints promptly and professionally. Provide solutions or compensation. 
  • Utilize Amazon’s programs. Enroll in programs like Amazon Vine to get initial reviews from trusted reviewers.
  • Respond to reviews. Engage with customers by responding to their reviews. In addition, captivate your customers by doing your job excellently and professionally. Ensure timely deliveries and provide comprehensive product descriptions, using video content as well. By doing this, you’re sure to receive great reviews for your efforts.
  • Encourage reviews. Although you may not be able to actively use this method (sending emails) due to Amazon strict regulations, you can leverage offline marketing. How? Give out thoughtful souvenirs, include beautiful branded postcards with wishes for your customers—personalization can encourage them to leave you a review. In addition, Amazon allows you to include information about your brand or products in the product packaging. If you include your contact details or links to your store in the inserts or informational materials provided with the product, this may be acceptable. However, don’t overdo it and avoid incentivizing reviews. Focus on providing excellent service instead.

Starting February 19, 2024, Amazon will no longer provide sellers with buyer information in FBA orders, as it has updated its policy to handle sales tax calculations and remittance for sellers. Consequently, when importing Amazon FBA orders into M2E Multichannel Connect, buyer information will be shown as “Not returned,” ensuring the platform can still create corresponding orders in your store.

#2: Low Amazon Products Visibility

Without high visibility, your product is unlikely to appear in search results, category listings, or recommendations. This makes it hard for buyers to find them. Why does visibility matter?

  • Traffic. Higher visibility translates to more impressions and clicks.
  • Sales. Products that are easier to find are more likely to be purchased.
  • Ranking. Improved visibility can enhance your product’s ranking in Amazon’s search algorithm, creating a positive feedback loop.

What Should You Do?

  • Improve listings. Remember to use keywords in your title and product description. Ensure your content is clear and compelling. M2E Cloud for Amazon helps keep your data up-to-date across your stores. Fast synchronization leads to more sales and more listings.
  • Enhanced Brand Content (EBC). Try Amazon’s Enhanced Brand Content or A+ Content. This can help you to create a more engaging and informative product page.
  • Advertising. Investing in Amazon’s Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, or Display ads can significantly enhance your product’s visibility.
  • Promotions and deals. Utilize Amazon’s Lightning Deals, coupons, and discounts to draw in customers.
  • SEO techniques. Regularly update your product listings with trending keywords and improve your backend search terms. For this purpose, you can use different tools and services. For example, if you have a Google Ads account, use the Google Keyword Planner for free. Additionally, Sonar and KeywordTool.io offer free plans as well. Of course, paid tools are also available: Amazon Keyword Tool, Keywords Explorer on Ahrefs, and Semrush.

#3: Non-Competitive Pricing

On Amazon, buyers often compare prices extensively. If your product is significantly more expensive without a clear value proposition, it can lead to low sales. Non-competitive pricing impacts your ability to attract price-sensitive customers. Why is it an issue?

  • Price comparison. Buyers can easily compare prices on Amazon. Thus, a higher price can lead them to choose a competitor’s product.
  • Sales volume. Competitive pricing can drive higher sales volume, improving your product’s ranking and visibility.
  • Customer trust. Fair pricing helps build trust and encourages repeat purchases.

What Should You Do?

  • Buy Box or Featured Offer. Try getting into Featured Offer, because this is one of the guarantees of high sales. Factors such as seller rating and competitive price influence the Featured Offer. This is where the M2E Amazon Repricer can help. By using dynamic price changes, your chances of getting the Featured Offer increase significantly.
  • Market research. Consistently track competitors’ prices and adjust yours accordingly to remain competitive. For this purpose, you can use M2E Amazon Analytics. It helps you analyze your competing products and prices. With it, you can beat the sellers on Amazon
  • Value proposition. Highlight unique features, benefits, and quality that justify a higher price.
  • Dynamic pricing tools. Take advantage of Amazon’s dynamic pricing tools or third-party software to automatically adjust your prices according to market trends. By the way, with M2E Cloud, you can maximize your profit with automated repricing
  • Bundling. Offer bundles or multi-pack options to provide better value for money.
M2E Amazon Repricer

#4: Undeveloped Amazon SEO

Without effective SEO, your product listings may not include the right keywords, have poorly optimized titles and descriptions, or lack high-quality images, all of which are critical for Amazon’s search algorithm. Keep your attention on this because of:

  • Visibility. Proper SEO helps your products appear higher in search results, increasing the chances of being seen by potential customers.
  • Traffic. Higher rankings lead to more clicks and visits to your product pages.
  • Conversion rates. Well-optimized listings attract more relevant traffic, leading to higher conversion rates.

What Should You Do?

  • Keyword research. Identify and use relevant keywords in your product titles, bullet points, descriptions, and backend search terms. Tools like Amazon’s Keyword Tool or third-party options can help.
  • Optimized titles. Create clear and concise titles that include primary keywords and provide essential product information.
  • High-quality images. Use high-resolution images that display the product from various angles and emphasize its key features.
  • Detailed descriptions. Write detailed product descriptions that incorporate keywords naturally and provide comprehensive information about the product. 
  • Regular updates. Continuously monitor and update your listings based on performance data and evolving keyword trends.

#5: Poor Advertising and Promotion

Without effective marketing efforts, even high-quality products can go unnoticed in the competitive Amazon marketplace. Poor advertising means fewer potential customers are exposed to your product. Ineffective promotion can also fail to highlight your product’s unique features and benefits, making it less attractive to buyers. Why do advertising and promotion matter a lot?

  • Visibility. Effective advertising increases your product’s exposure to potential customers.
  • Brand awareness. Promotions help build brand recognition and loyalty.
  • Sales boost. Well-executed campaigns can lead to immediate sales spikes and long-term growth.

What Should You Do?

  • Amazon advertising. Leverage Amazon’s Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, and Sponsored Display ads to reach targeted audiences effectively.
  • Promotions and deals. Utilize Lightning Deals, coupons, and promotional discounts to attract customers.
  • Social Media Marketing. Enhance your social media platforms to direct traffic to your listings.
  • Influencer partnerships. Collaborate with influencers and UGC creators to reach a broader audience and build trust.
  • Email marketing. Engage with your customer base through targeted email campaigns highlighting new products, discounts, and special offers.

#6: Market Oversaturation

In a crowded market, potential customers have many options, leading to intense competition. This can result in lower visibility for product price wars that reduce profit margins. Finally, the customers feel overwhelmed by choices, potentially opting for more well-known brands. 

Why is this factor important?

  • Visibility. With many similar Amazon products, it’s harder for your product to appear prominently in search results.
  • Price competition. Saturation often leads to price races.
  • Customer choice overload. Too many options can confuse customers. So, they are less likely to choose your product.

What Should You Do?

  • Unique Selling Proposition (USP). Clearly define and communicate what sets your product apart from the competition.
  • Niche targeting. Focus on a niche market where competition may be less intense, and your product can better meet specific needs.
  • High-quality listings. Optimize your product listings with high-quality images, thorough descriptions, and relevant keywords to enhance visibility and appeal. With M2E Cloud, you can import live listings and create new ones based on the products from your store or catalog. 
  • Innovative features. Introduce unique features or improvements that address common customer pain points.
  • Customer engagement. Build a strong relationship with your customers through excellent customer service, engaging content, and an active social media presence.

#7: Weak Quality and Appeal

Products that lack quality often receive negative reviews. This leads to decreased trust and lower sales. Additionally, products that fail to appeal visually or functionally can struggle to attract and retain customers. Keep an eye on this for the following reasons:

  • Customer satisfaction. High-quality products lead to satisfied customers, positive feedback, and repeat purchases.
  • Brand reputation. Quality issues can harm your brand’s image and reduce customer loyalty.
  • Return rates. Poor-quality products often result in higher return rates, impacting profitability and seller performance metrics.

What Should You Do?

  • Product testing. Conduct thorough testing to ensure your product meets high-quality standards before launching it on Amazon.
  • Quality control. Implement strict quality control processes to maintain consistency and prevent defects.
  • Detailed listings. Provide accurate and detailed product descriptions, high-quality product photos and videos, highlighting key features, benefits, and uses.
  • Customer feedback. Actively seek and analyze customer reviews to identify areas for improvement and address issues promptly.
  • Aesthetics and design. Invest in appealing packaging and product design to attract customers and create a positive first impression.

#8: Inefficient Inventory Management

Inefficient inventory management can seriously hinder your sales on Amazon. Poor management can lead to stockouts, resulting in lost sales when customers can’t find your product available. Conversely, overstocking ties up capital and increases storage costs, eating into your profits. Why is this important?

  • Stock availability. Ensures products are available when customers want to buy, preventing lost sales due to stockouts.
  • Cost efficiency. Proper inventory management reduces storage costs and minimizes capital in excess inventory.
  • Customer satisfaction. Timely fulfillment of orders improves customer satisfaction and encourages repeat business.

What Should You Do?

  • Inventory tracking. Use advanced inventory management software to monitor stock levels in real time and predict demand accurately. How to do this? M2E Cloud supports various fulfillment methods – whether you ship orders yourself or use Amazon FBA. In addition, it unifies all locations into a single system. This provides a consolidated view of your Amazon inventory, making it easier to track and manage stock levels across all storage sites.
  • Reorder points. Set appropriate reorder points to ensure timely restocking and avoid stockouts.
  • Forecasting. Analyze your sales data and current market trends to follow demand. This lets you plan inventory accordingly. You can find more information about useful analytical tools here.
  • Storage optimization. Optimize storage solutions to minimize costs and ensure quick access to high-demand products.
  • Amazon FBA. Consider using Amazon’s Fulfillment by Amazon service to leverage its logistics network for efficient inventory management and faster shipping. You can find more information about how to sell on the Amazon FBA here.

#9: Not Following Seasonal Demand

Failing to follow seasonal demand can severely impact your Amazon sales by preventing you from taking advantage of peak buying periods and leaving you with excess inventory during off-peak times. Why does seasonal demand matter?

  • Sales peaks. Seasonal trends drive significant spikes in demand, leading to increased sales during specific times of the year.
  • Inventory management. Aligning inventory with seasonal demand prevents overstocking and stockouts.
  • Marketing opportunities. Seasonal promotions and targeted advertising can boost visibility and attract customers during high-demand periods.

What Should You Do?

  • Sales data analysis. Analyze sales data with M2E Analytics to track your sales and key metrics to predict demand.
  • Stock adjustments. Increase inventory levels for products expected to be in high demand during certain seasons and reduce stock for off-season periods. How to track your stock? M2E Cloud monitors inventory levels and automatically updates them on Amazon whenever a sale or restocking happens. 
  • Seasonal promotions. Create marketing campaigns and promotions around holidays, events, and seasonal trends to attract more customers.
  • Adapt product listings. Update Amazon products descriptions, images, and keywords to reflect seasonal relevance and appeal.
  • Flexible supply chain. Work with suppliers to ensure flexibility in production and delivery schedules to meet seasonal demand spikes.
M2E Analytics

#10: Insufficient Customer Support and Brand Development

Good support builds a positive brand image, encourages repeat business, and generates positive word-of-mouth, essential for long-term success. Why do you need to improve it?

  • Customer satisfaction. Good support ensures customer issues are resolved quickly, leading to higher satisfaction and positive reviews.
  • Reputation. Responsive and helpful customer service builds a positive brand image and encourages repeat business.
  • Problem resolution. Effective support helps address problems before they escalate into negative feedback or returns.

What Should You Do?

  • Prompt responses. Ensure quick response times to customer inquiries and issues, ideally within 24 hours.
  • Comprehensive FAQs. Create a detailed FAQ section to address common questions and issues, reducing the need for direct support.
  • After-sales service. Follow up with customers after purchase to ensure satisfaction and address any concerns.
  • Feedback loop. Collect and analyze customer feedback to identify recurring issues and improve your products and services.
  • Develop your brand. Strive to become better and more recognizable. In doing so, customers will find you on their own.


Now you know why is your product not selling on Amazon. Boosting your sales might be challenging, but don’t despair. Try using the tips from our blog, and you’ll soon be making positive changes. Transform your Amazon store and watch your sales soar! You can also find more useful insights on our blog.

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